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hello world!

Hi everyone, my name is Gabi Keane.  I use she/her or they/them pronouns.  I'm an English literature and non-fiction writing major, with a strong focus on media.  Over the summer, I did a research project on the impacts of developing media technology during the 19th century on ghost hoaxes.  I love seeing the expansion and transformation of media technology and the ways people interact with it.  Most of the time, I'm looking at how people consume media, so I'm excited to spend time in this class learning how we create digital media.

Outside of being a weird lil media nerd, I also really love to read, go dancing, and listen to true crime podcasts.  Recently, people have been assuming I'm vegan when they meet me.  I'm not, nor am I vegetarian.  Should I be worried about this?

As part of my summer research, I visited a print shop in Cambridge that housed original presses, linotypes, monotypes, and other physical media technology.  The way people interacted with these machines isn't so different from how we use digital media today-- indeed some of the machines in the shop I visited are ancestors of modern computers.  I'll include a few pictures below from the shop (I realize not everyone loves printing presses as much as I do).  Bonus photo of me on the banks of the Thames!

