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In the course Composing Digital Media, I have learned a lot more than I expected. Going into the course, I knew a good bit about Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and other digital composition software, however, I was pretty much only familiar with the basics. The project requirements we determined together as a class were really useful for setting our own boundaries to be exceeded, which forced me to experiment with effects outside of my comfort zone. Those discussions about setting boundaries were probably the most helpful in determining the direction of my project, such as the design and whatnot, in addition to seeing example projects when we did group critiques of individual projects. read more

The pictures I chose were ones of my family friends for their wedding. While I know these are considered fair use, I wonder if I need to get their permission to publish them in any way on the internet, even if they are part of a school project. They will be present on a public domain and so I wonder if there are steps I need to take to ensure that this is allowed. And if they were strangers, would I still be allowed to use them for academic purposes? In my mind, I think yes because the only people seeing them will most likely be my classmates and professor. read more

Although I was a bit confused when first reading Stolley’s piece (I’m not experienced at all in coding and related technology development), going through each item on the Manifesto and reading about it cleared things up. It was interesting to hear about the various types of software that exist already as well as the reality that there will always be more kinds being created. This idea was mentioned in different ways throughout the Manifesto so it stuck out to me. Another part that I paused to think more about was about designing a project “for the most constrained users and devices.” The goal is to please even those without access to the bells and whistles that more advanced technology and platforms can offer. It’s important for users to still be able to experience the digital artifact with ease and clarity. After watching ad videos on GitHub and joining it myself, I noticed how collaborative-friendly the software is. This is something I can really appreciate and look forward to. Stolley’s Manifesto highlighted an idea also mentioned and demonstrated in GitHub and that was the tracking of history so that any change made throughout the process of the project can be referred to and accessed.

Stolley's manifesto is fair, but harsh, and insightful, but limits the human ability.  Just like we did not learn to be good, or even half decent writers, in a day, we cannot be expected to learn all of the ins and outs of digital, in a day, or even a lifetime.  However, I believe Stolley limits the potential of human ability.  The thing with writing, and even more so, digital media, is that it can in my opinion never be perfected.  With the changing and growing human intellect writing can continue to become more poetic, more engaging, and is variable as time goes along.  The same goes for digital.  No one has yet to crack all of the boundaries of this medium, so for Stolley to talk about limitation, version control, and that individuals need to command lo-fi before exploring hi-fi is robbing ourselves of exploration.  Because digital is so variable, the ways in which we learn it should be also.  After viewing the GitHub tutorials, I think the platform will be a good means in which to explore revision safely, but also provide the opportunity for risk (and reward).

Hello all, resident Git fanatic here.  I'm already familiar with Git and Github: I've used it on a large professional project, taught people to use it for their smaller professional projects, and I keep all my projects on Github.  My public profile is gabikeane if you want to poke around my repos or snatch my code. read more

Hello everyone! My name is Johanna (pronounced like the Hawaiian word “ohana” but with a J), but I actually go by Jojo. As a junior industrial engineering major, it’s been a while since I’ve taken a composition course. I’m excited to explore my creative side this semester, and I’m hoping this class will give me a new kind of experience for my undergraduate career. I look forward to getting to know you all!

Hi guys, my name is Jappmann (pronounced Jasmine with a "p") Monga and I'm a senior Communication Rhetoric Major with an intended Creative Writing Minor and Public Professional Writing Certificate. I think I will be the first to say that I actually want to go into medicine and become a pediatric specialist. After graduation, I'm planning on attending a post-baccalaureate program to finish my pre-med requisites and then (fingers crossed) go to medical school! read more
