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In the main part of Stolley's introduction, he points out how writing, regardless of the form, requires more revision than any other form of media. After countless English classes, and a few coding classes in college, I have to agree with that. GitHub only confirmed that this is in fact true. I am excited to use GitHub since it gives you many ways to revise, without losing your original work. It allows you to compare past work with new work, and allows for a lot of collaboration and advice from fellow classmates on projects. It gives you plenty of room and comfort to revise, without worrying that what you had before was possibly better.

It's kind of odd that my focus is in digital media, but I know very little of what "digital media" actually is. For instance, I have never heard of a version control center before, and I understand its basic function, but I easily sleep into the aggressive vagueness that comes with discussing "media" topics. That being said, I'm looking forward to getting comfortable with the github platform, because it does sound like a useful tool that you can use for various work. I could see this being used in a role that requires you to enhance a company's website or some other online PR campaign. Overall, the git tutorials seemed to offer a visual representation on Stolley's ideas of "Lo-Fi" (a term I've never heard used outside of music), and it looks easy enough to navigate. I did take a computer science course once, but I was absolutely terrible at it. A passage containing words like "code" and "function" is more difficult for me to comprehend; I tend to get tripped up on the language, and then I forget the overall message of what I'm reading in the first place. So I'm hoping this course will make me more confident around the keyboard.

Stolley's manifesto was interesting to me as I had heard the term "lo-fi" used before but never in the sense that he described it. I found the flexibility paragraph to be the most interesting as Stolley states that while the production of lofi is "inherently limited." However, there is flexibility in terms of how it is used. The github tutorials paralleled many of the points made in the manifesto and I was able to see physical representations of the concepts of lofi in the manifesto. Github seems like an interesting tool and I'm excited to use it more in the coming future.

I found the videos on Git Hub to be extremely helpful. They fully explained the purpose of the website and all of its functions. To be honest, though, I did struggle with some points on the website while going through the guide. I feel like I am more of a visual person so I have to see someone show me an example of a certain step before I can complete it. I think the platform will be easier to use, though, as I continue to work with it throughout the next week. read more
