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Future Ex Buys Pajamas was an interesting enough short story.  I didn't know, at first, what to expect from Bresland, as I've never encountered his work before.  His trip, however morbid it begins, does not seem like it will be bad.  He just seems very American. read more

So this may not be the soundest advice I've ever received, but a very wise man once told me regarding copyright issues, it's better to apologize than to ask permission.  Really, you can publish whatever you want online, but you have to take it down when someone asks, or else you'll get sued, he said.  This is, at its core, true: as it says on the Measuring Fair Use site, the only way to know for sure if it's fair use is to get taken to court. read more

Hello all, resident Git fanatic here.  I'm already familiar with Git and Github: I've used it on a large professional project, taught people to use it for their smaller professional projects, and I keep all my projects on Github.  My public profile is gabikeane if you want to poke around my repos or snatch my code. read more

Hi everyone, my name is Gabi Keane.  I use she/her or they/them pronouns.  I'm an English literature and non-fiction writing major, with a strong focus on media.  Over the summer, I did a research project on the impacts of developing media technology during the 19th century on ghost hoaxes.  I love seeing the expansion and transformation of media technology and the ways people interact with it.  Most of the time, I'm looking at how people consume media, so I'm excited to spend time in this class learning how we create digital media. read more
