I chose to inspect Google Play Music's site for this activity. The sight is minimal in organization and background color. The theme for Google Play Music that distinguishes it from Google Play Movies/Books/etc. is the color orange. Important links, prices for music, and the logo are all orange while the rest of the background is white and grey. This kind of calls back to the reading we did earlier in class where a piece of advice was to use a grey color for the font instead of black to make it easier on the eyes to read. Album and single cover art are largely displayed on the page with the titles, artist, and price located directly below the art. The user can navigate to their library or the store on the left tab and, while in the store, can navigate to the top charts and new releases in the top tabs. There is also a genre filter located next to the top tabs. Account settings are located in the bottom left corner. The left tabs and account settings stay where they are if the user tries to scroll down the page to look at different songs. Bringing your cursor over to the album cover art causes it to darken in hue and bringing it over to the title or artist causes the text to underline indicating a hyperlink. read more