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A Reflection on Fair Use


Consider: where did you find the images you posted for lesson 3? Are you able to get back to them easily? Did you embed any citation information when you posted them to our website? Do you have permission to reuse or modify these images? 

The images I posted for Lesson 3 were from Google Images. If I type in my three original searches "eating spaghetti," "Sintra, Portugal," and "happy minions," the images are readily available. I did not embed any citation information when I posted them on our WordPress blog, as I assume(d) that all pictures found on Google Images are available for public use.

Write any questions you have so far – about any of our readings, but perhaps especially about ethical sourcing – and post them to our blog under the Reflections category.

A few questions that came to mind about ethical sourcing while reading "Measuring Fair Use: The Four Factors" are as follows:

  1. When a person (student, professor, researcher, etc.) gets caught copywriting specific material, what are the exact measures taken in trying to seek justice for the original author/creator?
  2. Say you agree with another person and want to use their ideas to support your own, but do not give full credit where it is due. Would you still get credit for your work, or would the copyright infringement mean riding your name from this work completely?
  3. How is it fair that "fair use involves subjective judgments, often affected by factors such as a judge or jury’s personal sense of right or wrong," or that "a morally offended judge or jury may rationalize its decision against fair use?" The fact that a fair use trial is in the hands of potentially biased individuals does not seem, well, fair.
  4. I know for myself at least not all digital media that I compose will be from scratch, as I am not at all tech savvy in terms of composition/coding. So… specifically for this class, how do we cite information from the various sources we use/research from as we compose digital media?